The New Mexico Bankers Association, through
its membership, plays a vital role in creating a favorable atmosphere under
which all banks in the state can thrive, prosper and continue to serve their
communities. Never have the challenges facing our industry been so
great and the issues so complex.
At no time has the NMBA's responsibility to
fulfill its mission statement been so important. In years past, the
New Mexico Bankers Association has been able to meet its stated goals
through the strong support of member banks and the willingness of bankers to
serve with diligence as NMBA volunteers. A skilled dedicated staff,
committee members, committee chairpersons and directors make up the heart
and soul of this viable and strong trade association.Whether it is
through legislative efforts, federal and state, or through the current
educational programs, the Association continues to serve its members.
I am honored by the opportunity to serve as
the President of the New Mexico Bankers Association. The NMBA exists
solely to serve our members needs. If we ever fall short in doing so,
I invite you to call me personally to let me hear about your concerns.
We, as bankers, should work to make sure our association is the best that we
can make it.
Kyle Beasley
NMBA President

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